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Optimize Your Vaping Experience

For the best vaping experience, consider the following differences between cannabis vaporizers:

  • convection vs conduction

    • convection heats more evenly preventing waste and scorching

  • airflow through the device

    • dedicated vs. flows over the components on inhale

  • desktop vs portable

  • temperature range and settings

    • preset temperatures limit your ability to target specific cannabanoids

  • cost

    • often reflects quality of design, durability and experience

    • $100 or less

    • $200+

    • $300+

  • bowl size

  • ease of cleaning

  • user reviews

Once you have that sorted out, what temperature should you select? This will depend on what effect you are going for. If you desire to experience the flavor of the bud, you'll need a vape that goes low, at least 180C, but the flavor is more pure even as low as 150C. You will find that especially if you are new to marijuana, you may enjoy the nuances of flavor which is determined by the terpene profile, that each strain presents.

Once you get certified, the next big issue is how to improve your symptoms.

Vaping is considered safer by some because compared to smoking which releases combustion by-products such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s), ammonia, and carbon monoxide which adversely affect your health. Smoking is therefore not recommended for medical use. In Utah, SMOKING marijuana is illegal, even if you have a medical certification.

Cannabis vaporizers are designed to heat the cannabanoids and activate them, converting them into inhalable aerosols without generating toxic byproducts. Vaping delivers results within 5-10 minutes, making it easy to dose and follow your symptom improvement.

Each active compound vaporizes at a specific temperature. The effect is usually felt within 1-5 minutes and lasts for approximately 2-3 hours. For many patients with acute ailments this type of administration, therefore, offers a clear advantage over the oral administration. It is also easier for patients to find the right dosage because of the quick onset of effect.

This quick reference for vaping temperatures and effect can help you find your symptom and which cannabanoid that affects it. If your symptom is not listed, there are many many more terpenes and canabanoids that optimal vaping temperatures have been determined for that you can find online. These are just the most well known.

When vaping, you really have to find what works best for you to achieve the desired effect. For maximum THC, CBD, myrcene, limeneo and caryophyllene, and to maximize the "Entourage Effect," set your vape at 185C. At this temperature, you maximize effect and flavor. A good vape will produce dense clouds of active components at 185C. In this temperature range, you will notice more mind and consciousness effects. Some people feel their problem solving is better, memory, and in depth understanding of things seems improved when vaping in this range.

At temperatures below 157C you won't feel the psychoactive effects of THC, but you may notice a medicinal benefit from the cannabanoids and terpenes that vaporize at low temperatures. Our advice is to start low and try different temps. You can't go wrong, and vaping at a lower temperature will not affect cannabanoids that are vaporized at higher temperatures. It is possible to have a session at 180C, 190C, 200C and 210C from the same bowl. You can also try starting at 120C and working your way up from there as well. While THC won't kick in until 157C, other cannabanoids released below 157C will have a chance to have an affect as well. Think about your main symptoms, and see which temperature provides the most relief.

If you choose to go higher, in your next session (even using the same bud), set the vape at 200C. This is the maximum recommended temperature for vaping to limit exposure to potentially harmful chemicals such as benzene, that are released as the vape temperatures exceed 200C. Vaporizers can get as hot as 230C or higher. While these higher temperatures are not recommended for medicinal use, they will have stronger body effects. Some people use these higher temperatures at bedtime to reduce insomnia and improve the quality of their sleep.

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